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Les blogs de More Craft Ideas

More Craft Ideas lists tutorials and ideas from craft blogs. If you publish tutorials and ideas on your blog, and if you want to help us to imagine and build the best DIY tutorials and ideas agregator, don't hesitate to submit your blog.

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Perfect Cut SVG files for Cricut and Silhouette - Recent blog posts from my shop.
Paris en Rose - Creating beautiful things from unlikely sources
Serendipitous Stitching - A blog trying to focus on all the nice things in life, those moments when everything turns out right. Finding the perfect fabric for that chart you love, the ideal sampler quote, just the right picture in all the 1000s of magazines you own. Meeting people who share your interests and obsessions and totally understand why you NEED that chart when you already have enough to last until you're 104
Origami Expressions - Explore the world in paper! Inspirations & instructions for new and experienced folders alike
Colorigami - Origami models you can color online, print and fold!
Origami Plus - Create lots of objects, animals and plants with paper thanks to origami!


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